Downtown Topeka Inc

719 S Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS 66603, USA


(785) 234-9336

The mission of Downtown Topeka, Inc. is to to ensure Topeka’s downtown is the center of a thriving regional economy through recruiting, retaining and engaging commercial, cultural and residential opportunities.

As well as overseeing the DTI Membership Association, DTI also provides administrative services and oversight for the Capital Business Improvement District (CBID) and the Downtown Topeka Foundation (DTF).  The CBID is responsible for basic maintenance and snow removal of the core area and promotion of downtown in its entirety through marketing and events.

The Downtown Topeka Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit; raising funds for the purpose of preserving, restoring and improving buildings, lands, streets, parks, monuments and other historical and cultural aspects of the downtown area.


Visited 1729 times, 3 Visits today

Posted in Arts & Culture, Business Services, Networking Opportunities and Nonprofit Organization

Tagged In culture,development,Downtown and events

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Visit Topeka

(785) 234-1030

719 South Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603, USA

8am - 5pm week days - Closed Saturday and Sunday

As Visit Topeka, it’s our job to promote the city of Topeka.